Zydena an oral prescription medication for treatment of men erectile dysfunction.
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In an organism of the healthy man under the influence of sexual stimulation there are a number of processes which finally lead to an erection: the nervous terminations located in bodies, allocate oxide of NO nitrogen (II) which makes active enzyme, necessary for synthesis cyclic (TsGMF). This substance has effect on blood vessels and smooth muscles kavernozny (cavernous bodies). There is a blood inflow to penis fabrics, as causes and erection. Zydenadirectly doesn't participate in a relaxation of kavernozny bodies, however strengthens weakening influence of oxide of nitrogen (II) as possesses ability selectively to block the enzyme participating in splitting of TsGMF � specific 5 types. Thus, operates only in the presence of sexual excitement. Zydena action begins in 30 minutes after reception of a tablet and lasts till 24 o'clock. As a result of researches it was established that Zydenadoesn't cause change of arterial pressure of blood, doesn't change color perception function (abilities to distinguish blue and green colors), and doesn�t influence the size of a pupil, intraocular pressure and visual acuity that Zidena preparation distinguishes from Viagra, for example.
As a result of dependence tests between reception of a preparation and amount of sperm, and also activity of spermatozoa it is not established. Zydenais quickly soaked up in a digestive path, reaching the maximum content in blood plasma on the average in an hour after reception. The period of semi-removal from an organism of T/2 makes 12 hours, the general road clearance � 755 ml a minute. From an organism is removed in the form of metabolites mainly with a stake. Long (till 24 o'clock) the effect is caused by high extent of linkage with proteins (albumin) plasmas. Zydena increases sexual weakening effect of stimulation of a nitric oxide, forbidding PDE-5 responsible for frustration of cGMP in a cavernous body. Result - a relaxation of smooth muscles of arteries and a blood-groove to fabrics of the member which causes installations. The preparation doesn't provide effect for lack of sexual stimulation.
Cheap Zydenavery much improves installation and possibility of the successful sexual intercourses. Action of a preparation has an optimum duration � till twenty four o'clock. The effect appears after thirty minutes later after drug acceptance in the presence of sexual excitement. On quality of sperm there are no side effects. Treatment of disorders of the installation characterized by inability to reach or support installation relating to a man's penis, sufficient for the satisfactory sexual intercourses.

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