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These habitual thoughts do not allow to completely surrender the excitation, and therefore a normal erection does not develop. If this condition is repeated over and over again, a man appears not fear to meet the expectations of his wife and a vicious circle: I am afraid that I will fail, and therefore is not turned on, and again not to prosecute, and then fails. The repetition of such on anything not specifically based pratfalls, reproaches his wife, his own experiences - all this leads to neurosis expectations of failure, which is the reason for the reduction potential of almost 40% of men seeking to sexologist. In such a case you need to buy Silagra 50 mg, it will help you not only physically, but also psychologically.
This neurosis is that the man with the desire to bring a woman pleasure involuntarily switched on himself. He anxiously awaits, whether he has an erection, which she keeps track of whether it is strongly excited, etc. It turns out that instead of relaxation and pleasure, conjugal bed brought him only disappointment and apprehension. Of course, its potency decreases.
Finally, the reason for the reduction potential can be hard work, too active lifestyle that simply can not leave the force for sex. It is clear that in addition to the above factors, affect the potency and many more special in each case. For example, in our country are still frequent complaints men in reduced potency for one simple reason - they simply have nowhere to live sexuality. It is not uncommon for living in one room the husband and wife, two children and mother-in-law.
Thus, we can say that the manifestation of the potency depends on the inherent strength, health, men, alcohol or drug use, relationship with my boyfriend. And, basically, the potency - this is a manifestation of general health. You can buy Silagra 50 mg and solve potency problems, but don’t forget about general health. Clearly, in terms of malnutrition and squalid environment, even men with good physical instincts will not be able to show such potency, as though living in better conditions, the researches write.
Unfortunately, until now, most men measure their potency in purely physical terms - the size of genitals, intercourse frequency, or duration, speed of erection. This is wrong, potency can be defined simply as the ability to satisfy a woman. In other words, the potency of men evaluate a woman. Often a man lives with two women and one crazy about him and the other considers the full impotent. Why? Obviously, everything depends on the surprising and mysterious feeling of love that inspires any words or deeds.