Cheap Suhagra
Suhagra is a kind of medication known as effective medication for treatment male inability in sexual sphere.
After its appearance it was modernized and developed. There are 2 kinds of Suhagra: the first kind is soft (dissolves faster and it will work even if you had a fatty meal) and the second kind is regular (should be consumed in empty stomach). It is available in pill form with 50 mg and 100 mg dosages. Suhagra is a 100% safe drug. Suhagra is one of the fastest acting drugs for erectile dysfunction.
Of course, it is totally individual thing, but generally doctors recommend to take only one pill in 24 hours. Suhagra need to be administered at least one hour before sex. The first signs of action of suhagra starts in 30 minutes after administering and lasts for 4 to 5hours. Men with erectile dysfunction can enjoy sex at their own pace without fearing about erectile dysfunction. Suhagra gets back the vital part of your sexual relationship with your partner.
The right dose will give proper result and bring beneficial reaction.
Suhagra may easily be purchased with just a click of a mouse online. So if you do not want to see doctor because of embarrassment or some other reason, you can easily get the online help.
But think before make self prescription, because there are number of factors, that you may not know for sure. And only medical test can show the real level of general health.
Self treatment can be dangerous and cause awful effects.
The most wide-spread of side-effects are diarrhea, headache, migraine, dyspepsia, dizziness, seizure, nasal congestion, esophagitis, cardiac arrest, abdominal pain, gastritis, rectal hemorrhage, flushing, seizure, urinary tract infection, cardiomyopathy, syncope, glossitis, heart failure, face edema, rash, abnormal vision, shock, anxiety, asthenia, chest pain, postural hypotension, tachycardia, allergic reaction, hypotension, Angina pectoris, palpitation, cerebral thrombosis, anemia, myocardial ischemia chills, abnormal electrocardiogram, vomiting, colitis, dysphagia, stomatitis, leucopenia, dry mouth, gingivitis and some others.
All these side-effects of Suhagra are usually rather mild and go away after a short period of time. But when taken a higher dose Suhagra is likely to produce more side effects, which are also more severe. These medicines may sometimes cause a blurred vision and sensitiveness to light. Also, the erection may stay longer than the usual hours.
Severe forms of these side effects may bring death results, that is why, do not wait. In case of bad feeling, contact you health care provider and ask for help.