Buy Diflucan

All pharmacies before make a purchase, you can consult a pharmacist about the availability, methods of application, the selection of analogues of the drug Diflucan, the possibility of his book, the timing of delivery. Online pharmacy offers a whole new level of customer service, they allow customers to save not only money but also time. The main advantage of online pharmacies is an opportunity to "buy diflucan," without leaving home. In pharmacies, pharmacists educated work so you can get advice about the availability, methods of application, selection of unique "Diflucan", the timing of delivery.
Diflucan is an antifungal drug, a new class of triazole antifungal agents, is a potent selective inhibitor of sterol synthesis in the cell fungi. At intake and at in the introduction fluconazole was effective in various models of fungal infections in animals. Demonstrated activity of the drug for opportunistic mycoses, including caused by Candida spp., including generalized candidiasis in immune compromised animals; Cryptococcus neoformans, including intracranial infections. Also shown is the activity of fluconazole in models of endemic mycoses in animals, including infections caused in animals with normal and immunocompromised. Therapy with fluconazole at 50 mg day for up to 28 days did not affect the concentration of testosterone in plasma in males or steroid concentrations in women of childbearing age. Fluconazole at a dose of 200-400 mg / day had no clinically significant effect on levels of endogenous steroids and their response to ACTH stimulation in healthy male volunteers.Fluconazole penetrates well into body fluids and tissues, its concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, bronchial secretion is almost the same as in blood plasma, and in the stratum drug accumulates in doses higher than the concentration in the blood.
There have been reports of cases of super infection, caused by other than Candida albicans strains Candida, which often do not show sensitivity to fluconazole. In such cases, may require alternative antifungal therapy. You can purchase a drug in any of the presented pharmacies without a prescription, selecting a suitable offer from you the price of diflucan and the most convenient method of delivery. The active substance of diflucan is fluconazole it has the property that effectively inhibit the synthesis of sterols in the cells. Diflucan is absorbed quite rapidly from the digestive system, reaching a maximum concentration within 0.5-1.5 hours after intake, food intake does not affect the absorption of Diflucan, a half-life is approximately 26-30 hours (so it can be applied once a day).