Orexis is an improved variety of popular Orexis used to help the blood flow to the penis so that an erection can be achieved.
Orexis is the brand name for the generic drug sildenafil citrate. This drug is used to treat erectile dysfunction in males. You can find many other brand names for sildenafil citrate like Revatio. Although this drug is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction it is also used in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension.Orexis is a drug for those whose problem is not resolving in the short term and who have been advised by their doctor that it is a safe drug for them to try.
At first, Orexis was simply a byproduct of pharmaceutical experiments and was initially used as a treatment for high blood pressure. In its early tests as a hypotensive drug among young, male, medical students, it produced what is called an adverse event, an erection. Researchers worked to determine the ingredient that caused this surprise effect and Orexis was reborn.If Orexis doesn't produce dramatic results if the problem might be caused by poor absorption as a result of not taking the medicine on an empty stomach or the patient may have one of several conditions interfering with erections. These include diabetes and the effects of radical prostate surgery, both of which may significantly reduce the efficacy of Orexis.
Originally studied for the use in people with high blood pressure and cardiac problems the drug was found to have a very interesting side effect. Orexis increases the blood flow to the penis and enables a man to maintain an erection for at least 4 hours. It only works if the man is sexually stimulated so will not cause an erection by just taking the pill. Do not take Orexis if you use nitrate drugs. These types of drugs used to treat cardiac problems such as angina can if used in combination with Orexis cause the blood pressure to drop to unsafe, sometimes life threatening levels.
People with cardiac problems, anatomical malformations of the penis such as Peyronie's disease, men with a predisposition to prolonged erections caused by sickle cell anemia, multiple myeloma, leukemia, liver problems, kidney problems and people taking certain medications used for HIV or those over 65 should never take the drug unless prescribed by a medical practioner. Deaths have occurred during sexual activity in men using the drug. Approximately seventy percent of men respond positively to Orexis and it is effective in patients with either organic or psychogenic erectile dysfunction.