As its name suggests, Semenax is an all-natural male enhancement pill that helps increase sperm quality and volume, as well as enhance your orgasms. Manufactured by Leading Edge Herbals, which also produces popular male enhancement products VigRX and VigRX Plus, Semenax claims to increase semen volume by up to 500 percent.
Many male enhancement pills are focused on enlarging the penis and producing harder erections. Semenax addresses concerns on semen health, a major factor that influences the sexual act. Semen volume and quality are important because the more load you produce, the greater the pleasure you gets. Increased sperm quality and quantity are also crucial if you and your partner are trying to have a baby.
Ingredients at a Glance
Semenax male enhancement pills contain herbs, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that help boost sperm volume and motility, particularly: L-arginine, a semi-essential amino acid that helps improve sperm health and increase sperm motility, even for men with low fertility; Epidemium or Horny goat weed, an aphrodisiac that helps increase testosterone for greater sperm production; Lysine; an amino acid that stimulates testosterone production; Swedish flower pollen, which supplies micro-nutrients that help enhance the male sexual reproductive system; Zinc oxide, can boost sperm count and motility by up to 200 percent; Tribulus terrestris, used to treat erectile dysfunction and increase sperm production; and L-carnitine, an amino acid which is present in high concentrations in healthy sperm. Other ingredients include Catuaba, Pumpkin seed, Maca, Vitamin E, Zinc asparate, Pine bark extract, Muira Puama, Hawthorne, Cranberry extract, Avena Sativa extract, Sarsparilla and more.
* Focused natural formula and detailed ingredient information with pictures
* Claims to be the only doctor-approved volume enhancer in the market
* Claims to have no side effects
* Mostly positive testimonials
* Also endorsed by a marriage therapist
* Expensive ($59.95 for a month�s supply)
* Product only deals with sperm health
Final Thoughts
We recommend Semenax as a quality volume enhancer. Women are also concerned with how much you have inside, along with the size of your package and how you use your tool. You and your partner will benefit from the ejaculate increase. The only downside we find in Semenax is that it only addresses the issue of poor sperm health. Aside from boosting semen volume, we believe that the ideal male enhancement product also deals with erection and libido issues, and improve overall sexual health. The manufacturer, Leading Edge Herbals, prefers not to put all its eggs in one basket because it offers other male enhancement products that deal with erectile dysfunction.